online digital marketing tutorial


 Introduction to Digital Marketing

Throughout cent
  • uries, marketing always remained customer centric, the way of delivering services and product has changed but the strategies remained same. Technologies did bring revolution in all fields and marketing is no exception, from print media to digital media. The rapid growth of digital marketing is the direct consequence of penetration of internet and↺ soci↻al media sites.
  • Digital Marketing Tutorial: Online Course

Unlike traditional marketing method you don't have to go door to door to convince people how good your product is, instead the 'likes' in Facebook and 'followers' in twitter does this job.
Digital Marketing Tutorial: Online Course
Digital Marketing revolves around four things
Digital Marketing Tutorial: Online Course
  • Social Media : Interact with your customer base using social sites like Facebook and twitter. Use it as a support channel, Launchpad for new products , announce discount and exclusive coupons to drive sales
  • SEO: SEO or Search engine optimization is a technique that allows a site to get more traffic from search engines like Google, Microsoft, Yahoo etc. It is divided in two categories, off page SEO and on page SEO
  • Content Marketing: The goal of Content marketing is to retain and attract customers by consistently creating valuable and relevant content with the intention to engage targeted audience in order to drive profitable customer action. Content marketing is valuable for companies as information people find online impacts their purchase decision.
  • Advertising: Online Advertising has multitude of benefits over traditional advertising and the chief difference is targeting.Most of the online marketing platforms accept banner/text/rich media ad formats which are billed in three ways CPM (Cost for Thousand) , CPL (Cost per lead) and CPC (Cost per Click). In CPM, the advertiser pays for each 1000 ad views that the ad gets, while CPC is the amount of money that is paid by advertiser to search engines for a single click on its advertisement that brings one visitor to its website. For every click the advertiser pays to search engines and online publishers. Another form of advertising is Cost Per Lead, in which the advertiser pays for an explicit sign up from an interested consumer who is interested in the advertiser's offer

 Search Engine Optimization - SEO Tutorial

What is SEO?
SEO is the process of improving the structure, content and organization of your site to the Search engines can index them correctly. It also involves doing promotional activities to boost your search engine rank

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Before we look into this any further, let's first understand -

How Search Engine Works?

Almost every Search engine does the following Spiders or Web Crawling, Indexing & Displaying.
  • Spiders & Crawlers: Spiders crawl over the web in search of content (Hence the name Spider). Once they finish scanning and identifying the relevant content, they copy the searched content and store it in a search engines database. While they are scanning one web page, they make note of links to other web pages from this page and later scan the linked web pages as well & this process keeps going on for all webpages. ( For example : Page A links to Page B which in turn links to Page C. Here, Page A,B,C will be stored as well as any page which is linked from Page C ) .
    Web Crawler will collect the following (not limited to) information from a web page -
    Digital Marketing Tutorial: Online Course
  • Indexing: Now that website information is stored in Search Engines Database, how will it know which page to put on top of search results and which on last ? Enter Indexing.
    Ranking is done based on keywords.
    As the engines crawl and index the contents of pages around the web, they keep track of those pages in keyword based indices. The search engines have millions and millions of smaller databases, each centred on particular keyword term or phrase.
    Next question, how does the search engine know which keyword to rank a page for? To determine so the search engine looks into the content of the page, Page Title , Page URL and other factors
    Next question, suppose there 20000 Webpages each catering to the same keyword say football. How does the Search Engine determine which Page to display as # 1 , # 2 and so on… Enter Search Engine Ranking Factors which considers Domain Age , Domain Trust , Topicality , Number and relevance of external pointing links to the page , social signals and many more. This will be covered in detailed later in the tutorial
  • Displaying: The last step in search engine activity is retrieving the best matched results for search queries, which is displaying the search result in browser.

Role of Keywords in SEO

Keyword is actually the key to SEO. Keyword is what a person or user enters into a search engine to find specific information.
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Keywords form part of a web page's metadata and help search engines to match page with an appropriate search query.
  • Keyword Density
Often it is misunderstood that by including more keywords which describe your website can eventually help search engine to bring your website on top. Infact, more keywords sometimes get you penalized for "spamming "or keyword stuffing. So, using keyword wisely from SEO point of view becomes mandatory. So what is the ideal frequency of Keyword? It is believed that for best result, keyword density should be 3-7% for the major and 1-2 % for minor key words.
  • Keywords in Special places, Page titles & Headings
It is imperative where your keyword exactly appears on your web page. It counts more if you have keywords in the "page title, the headings, the paragraphs" especially in URL. For instance, if your competitor's web page has same number of keyword as your webpage but if you have included the keywords in your URL then your webpage have more chances to stand out than your competitor.
Placing the keywords in the "Title of the page" or "Heading tags" is considered the best place to put your keywords. The reason behind is that the search engine looks first for the keywords in your "Title tag" and then in "Heading tag". The standard title tag keyword is around 70 characters max.
In order for a title tag to be most effective, it needs to be supported in other areas of each web page like the "headline". Your headline should be the largest headline on the page rich with primary keywords, you can also include secondary keywords in your headline. There is no limitation for headline length, but still preferred around 7- 8 words length. For keywords there are some set criteria for best result as shown in table below.
Criteria for best SEO result
  • Keywords in URL
  • First word is best position for keyword in URL
  • Keywords in Title tag
  • Keywords should be in beginning of title tags, 10- 60 characters , no special characters
  • Keywords in description meta tag
  • Show theme less than 200 characters
  • Keywords in Keyword meta-tag
  • Show theme less than 10 words
  • Keyword density in body text
  • 5- 20 % of the content
  • Keywords in Headlines
  • Use Hx font style tags appropriately
Digital Marketing Tutorial: Online Course

Word Stemming

Search engine like Google, uses word stemming for search query. Word stemming allows all forms of the word- singular, plural, verb form as well as similar words for a given search query. For example if someone search for "Mountain track" it will retain search result with all variation of that phrase like "Mountain tracking", "Mountain trackers" and so on.

Ranking and Ranking factors

Meta-tags: one of the earliest method to optimize the website high in result was to offer Meta data to the search engines. Meta data is nothing but the data about the data found on that page.
There are two important meta-tags or meta-data
  • Meta description
  • Meta Keyword
Both Meta keyword and Meta description can contribute to your search engine ranking. The meta description tag is intended to be a brief and concise summary of your page's content. The limitation for meta-description is about 170- 200 characters, writing a unique description for each page of your site. Meta description format would look something like this
<meta name="description"content= "Brief description of the contents of your page.">
Meta-description for website "guru99"
<meta name="description" content="Discover free online tutorials on to get ahead in your career.  Start taking advantage of online learning today itself" />
Digital Marketing Tutorial: Online Course
While meta keywords format would look something like this
<meta name="keywords" content="keywords, keyword, keyword phrase,etc.">
Meta-keywords for website "guru99"
<meta name="keywords" content = "free online education,SAP testing, etc.">

Link Building

On Page & Off page Optimization
SEO optimization is primarily classified into two sections on page optimization and off page optimization.
Positive Off Page Optimization
Off page SEO is the process of boosting your search engine rankings by getting external links pointing back to it. The more and better links you can get to your webpage, better it will rank in search result
A quality backlink is considered good from the search engines point, and has the maximum effect on your off page SEO. A quality backlink has properties like
  1. Incoming links from high page rank web page
  2. Use different anchor texts
  3. Dofollow or Nofollow links
  4. Getting backlink from similar niche blog or website
  5. Avoid black hat SEO
  6. Good Domain Authority
  7. High Trust
  8. High Relevance in the subject matter of the linking and destination domains
  9. Site Age- Shows site stability
What you should NOT do for Negative off page
  • Link Buying : If you get caught penalty is huge
  • Cloaking: Try prevent cloaking (representing different page to search engine than your original web page)
  • Domain Hi-jacking: It is when someone takes your domain away or misuses your domain without your knowledge by changing the registration of the domain name. Never do this , it's a criminal offence.
  • Other Black Hat Techniques
Positive On Page Optimization
On page optimization directly deals with the content and structure of the website. On page optimization focuses on
  1. Unique title tags and Headlines
  2. Keyword frequency in the
  • URL
  • Body Texts
  • Headings
  1. Synonyms
  2. Copywriting
  3. Adding description to images
  4. Good Internal Navigation
What you should not do for Negative On Page
  • Avoid negative over optimization penalty (OOP) by not repeating keywords very very frequently
  • Link to a bad neighbourhood : Do not link to link Farms or any other site with bad page rank
  • Avoid Poison words: The word "link" is considered poison words or stop words in a title tag. There are many other poison words that you should avoid
  • Avoid stealing text or images from other domains
  • Avoid Excessive cross linking
  • Avoid re-directing users to another page through refresh meta-tags, don't immediately send your visitor to another page unless he/she clicked on
For best SEO result for your site always regularly maintain it, as you won't rank as high in search engines, if your site is slow or has broken links.

Google Panda

Digital Marketing Tutorial: Online CourseGoogle panda is a Google's search results ranking algorithm, it aims to lower the rank of "low quality sites" or "thin sites" and return higher quality sites near the top of the search result. In other words it does the verification of "content" of the websites.
How to escape the Panda's Claw
  1. Try to avoid link building with those sites which is already ranked as low quality website
  2. Watch out for sites that are peppered with Google adsense
  3. Avoid sites with little or no moderation, especially those sites which accepts your comments or blog quickly for their websites

Google Penguin

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